Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Update

Since Wednesday I've stayed busy with edits, work on some new short stories - not sure why but the ideas are hitting me all at once - and I don't want to complain about it :)

The weather has been warm, in the upper 90s. Warm enough to keep my butt inside and working. I've also been enjoying some books from my TBR pile. I try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day to read...but my preference is 30 minutes. To be honest, I could easily lose myself in a book and read it from start to finish in one sitting, but then I'd kick myself later, lol. Always looking for balance.

So goal wise for ROW80, I worked out, continued on my edits, and have been steadily writing.

I appreciate everyone who stopped by and "LIKED" Iron Butterfly, my very first published steampunk short story! I LOVE the artwork that went with it. I'm envious of artists. I don't have the ability to create that way.

I've also been busy getting to know my fellow campaigners - thank you so many who have already stopped by and introduced yourselves! Looking forward to getting to know everyone, and of course fulfilling the challenges.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day :) I'll be working for most of it because's a Monday, lol. But I do plan to spend a little time with the family as well.

Hope all my ROW80 compatriots are forging ahead and goal busting like crazy! I'll be stopping by over the next few days.



  1. Marie,
    Great work on goals. Isn't it funny how the new stories just have no manners, and don't know how to wait for a convenient time!

    The constant quest for balance--don't I know it! I haven't gotten to Iron Butterfly yet *blush*, but will go over there now. I'm in the Campaign as well--it is exciting to meet new people, and I hope to learn more (and have something to share) about platforms.

    I hope you have a wonderful start to your week.

  2. Lady Andrews! It's been so awesome connecting with you on twitter, thanks for everything. I've given you an award on my blog!

    Congrats again on being published!

  3. Hi Marie,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself. I really appreciate it a lot! Looking forward to the Campaign and to reading your posts :-)

  4. Very good progress. And I LOVED your short. I will be waiting for more! Keep up the good work!

  5. Hooray for a stream of ideas, can I borrow one?! I have a seed of an idea for NaNo but am losing faith in it so may try and come up with another!

    I know what you mean about reading, I completely lose myself and an hour has passed. I think setting a time period for writing might by good for me too.

    Have a great week!

  6. Love when the ideas start flowing in. I keep a section of my journal, an Excel spreadsheet and a "Future Ideas" file in my writing software all just for tracking ideas. Sometimes the "new shiny" distracts me from the current focus and by giving them their five minutes of fame and a spot in the bleachers I can get back to work.

    Keep up the awesome work, Marie :)

  7. I work on Mondays, too, LOL! Sounds like you've been busy. It feels good to check things off of the list, doesn't it?

  8. great the ideas are flowing - they won't be ignored so you have to deal - I can't manage the reading like that - so I take an afternoon off every now and then and just devour a book - or sit up till the wee hours.

    all the best for this week

  9. Hello! I'm a fellow campaigner from your paranormal group! Just wanted to stop by and say hello... btw... LOVE YOUR SITE! Very cool!

  10. Hey Marie! Just popping in to say hello to a fellow campaigner. Looking forward to reading more of your blog!
