Sunday, July 31, 2011

ROW80 Check-In 7/31

Good morning! I hope everyone has been enjoying their weekend :) Hubby and I went to the Great Oregon Steam Up yesterday and I will be posting pics from it over the next couple of days.

The weather has been in the mid-80s and looks like it will stay the same all week. No humidity at least.

Goal wise I've done well since last check-in time. Edits are still going slowly, but where I'm at in the story it makes sense. There will be parts that won't need much editing at all...I look forward to getting to those parts :)

On the personal front I've been sleeping, working out, and eating right.

On the professional side I've been writing each day, working on edits, doing some craft study, and I'm also editing my steampunk horror short story. It has all kept me busy.

I hope my fellow ROW80ers are also finding success with their goals :)



  1. Hey Marie, it sounds like you're doing well in all your endeavors. I'm doing much better on the writing than on the health goals. LOL Good luck this week!

  2. Sounds like you've had a prettyy good week. Very curious about that steampunk horror ;D

  3. Hey Marie, glad to hear you had such a great week!! Hope it continues in the following weeks. :)

  4. Oooh, this steampunk horror story sounds exciting, and I look forward to seeing the pics from the Great Oregon Steam up! Good luck with work and writing this week. :D

  5. Sounds like a very productive week! This steampunk genre sounds very interesting...I need to get googling!

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Thanks so much Laura :) The health stuff is so good for you, keep it up!

  7. Thanks Sandy! It's a creepy and very twisted little story...a little worried that it came from my imagination, lol.

  8. Thanks Jamila :) It's great to meet you! I decided to do about 3 days worth of pics because I took so many, and it really was a blast :) Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Thanks Em! Yes, it's a fun and exciting genre. I have more ideas than time on stories, but it sure got the creative juices flowing :)

    So glad you stopped by! :)
