Thursday, September 22, 2011

Final ROW80 Check-In and Goals

Good morning everyone :) Today is the final day of ROW80's third round. I came into this looking for a place to hold myself accountable for accomplishing my goals - both personal and in regards to my writing. During the 80 days I had good days and bad days, productive days and I'm-not-sure-what-happened-there days, and days where I wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear because I didn't want to check-in to say my week sucked.

I learned a lot during this challenge. I'd wanted to have my 90,000 word novel completely edited. But I struggled with those edits, how to go about them, and I still have more editing to do. The writing of it went fast, so I guess that I figured the rest would be equally smooth going, but there's no rushing the editing part. And I'm okay with that because I want it to shine. It's getting there.

On the writing front I accomplished quite a bit. I wrote numerous short stories and have submitted them out. Iron Butterfly was published at Nevermmet Press. I'm sitting at a little over 10,000 words on my steampunk zombie novel, and two more short stories to finish up.

I managed to keep up with my workouts, eat right, and for the most part I got enough rest. Life threw many curve balls at me during this challenge, but I worked hard to stay positive and push forward, even when giving up sounded easier. Of course I never do anything the easy way, and I'm far too stubborn to give up.

As a bonus, I met some wonderful, supportive, talented people. Each one I admire greatly and enjoyed sharing this 80 day trek with. I hope to see everyone, along with some new faces for the next round which begins October 3rd. If you're interested in taking this writing challenge path, click here for information about ROW80.

You can start your day with good intentions. You can map out a detailed and surefire path to success. But your days may not go the way you'd planned. Rather than get down on yourself and start a vicious cycle where you will never win, you can instead remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day, and celebrate whatever little steps you took forward. Those little steps add up in the end. Progress deserves to be celebrated.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and left comments of encouragement and support. It has been appreciated!



  1. You said it so well, Marie. I forced myself to check in when I wanted to hide, and found everyone so supportive and helpful and wonderful, I went back to working with a much lighter heart.

    Editing, um, is well, edifying, I guess! Wonderful job on your goals, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next round!

  2. It really has been a trek! I think the support of ROW80 is second to none and it is so uplifting to post a not so great check-in and have nothing but encouragement in reply.

    Well done with everything you have achieved this round and I look forward to seeing you on October 3rd!

  3. That bonus is always one of the more pleasant things at the end, isn't it? No matter how we do with goals, we're connecting with other like-minded people out there and learning a little bit along the way.

    See you in round 4!

  4. The support from the other participants in the best part of this challenge. Congrats on everything you achieved. See you in Round 4

  5. Yes, I totally agree with everything that you've said in this last paragraph. There have been some definite ups and downs this Round, but the ability to weather them has been eased by all the support. I want to say a million thank yous for all the lovely comments you've left on my check-ins, because they have meant a lot to me.

    Enjoy our wee break, and I can't wait to see you back in Round 4!
